Tuesday, June 5, 2001


I am all signed out. I'm done with school. They had a nice little ceremony. This time no families made it. Kind of sad.

I got the option to go back home for something called HRAP. I guess I work in the recruiters office for 30 days recruiting people. If I get 10 people I get promoted to E2. I am totally doing this! I miss my family so much!

I have my plane tickets and am ready to go. But um, not before I do something terrible first. Somehow it turned into a funny thing. I set the barracks on fire. Freak accident I swear. We yelled for drill sergeants trying to put the fire out. Me and the other girl decided to screw it. We we're going to open the restricted doors no matter what. I'm glad we did. The alarms got their attention and let the smoke out before the fire alarm could go off. I was scared of being stuck here forever as punishment. I told them how it happened and all they could say was "It's always the quiet ones" and we laughed. Then I got the title Private Pyro. HA I like it!

SO anyway I'm going home for 30 days! I didn't even mention the best part. My permanent duty station is.... dun dun dun.... GERMANY!!!!!!! Oh man. My instructors say it's because we were his best class. Best group of 74C's he's had ever. All 7 of us got Germany except for 1. She got Korea. Yuck. I'm the only one in an M.I. unit. I wonder what that will be like.
Myself and Fedora, the bestest battle buddy ever!
Last day of AIT school.


  1. What's an MI unit? You look happy in that picture! =D How did going home go? I look forward to your next post!!!! DO EET! I mean, uh, eventually. <3

  2. MI = Military Intelligence. I was signal, at the time MI seemed special hehe
