Tuesday, September 11, 2001


I think there's going to be a war.

I was at work today in the vans. (Not actual vans). We have a tv in there, but the only channel we get is news. It's something like CNN or BBC World. So we're sitting there and the crew goes to people in New York where a plane had just crashed into one of the trade towers. What a horrible accident! We keep watching and there's another plane. I'm thinking... no way.... stop... did that really happen? They send me to tell someone or everyone. So I go to the other vans and people just don't believe me. I'm like "Hey, the US was attacked" and they just sit there. They'll figure it out later.

We get back to the barracks and they tell us to stay here until further notice. I wonder what's going to happen. I'm certain there will be a war. There has to be! We can't just sit back and take it, right? Assuming we know who it is. We don't yet. SGT Lyons had a theory it was drug lords. I don't know anything about that.

Some soldiers have family in those places so they're all calling home. I hope people are ok. This is bad. I've lever lived through an event like this. I wonder how it will affect the country.

We have to go down now.


  1. Crazy business. I can't even think, talk, see, hear about it with out getting tears. When Osama was killed the other day, I had to explain to my kids and it was too hard. I don't believe in being happy that people die, whether they 'deserve' it or not. My first thought was all the family members and people affected would maybe have some closure and second was to pray for no more attacks. I can't imagine what'd it'd be like to be in the military when that happened! Oy.

  2. I feel ya. Happy isn't how I'd describe it either. Relieved is more like it. I think if we had done it any other way we'd be in a bad situation. We can't really let him stay there. He would still be hurting people. We can't take him into custody, a lot of people would be killed trying to get him back, both Americans and his people. Sadly I think quick and dirty was the best solution. He would have been put to death anyway since he committed so many war crimes.

    I know a few people who said they wouldn't retire from the Army until he was caught. They are now sharing on facebook that they can retire. :) THAT makes me happy. The fact that people can rest.

  3. Yeah, that's a good thing! (Being able to rest!)
